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The Community Service Requirement for the Global Certificate will help students connect with a global issue that is being faced by millions of people in the world and take action in dealing with that issue.  Remember community service is more than fundraising and donations.  Community service can also include informing people about issues, addressing multicultural needs in your neighborhood or surrounding area or traveling with a mission group to other areas that need assistance.  To fulfill this requirement students will work individually or together to plan, organize and run a community service event totaling a minimum of 20 hours.

Community Service Requirement

Proposing your Service Project
Before completing your Global Service Project you will need to complete a proposal and have it approved by your Global Mentor.  This will help make sure you are prepared and organized for the completion of the project.  The Global Service Project Proposal is available for download to the right.

Looking for ideas?

If you are looking for ideas regarding what your global service project could be focused on check the recommendations in the provided word document to the right.  If you would like more information on the United Nation's Millenium Development Goals or Sustainability Goals, check out the videos provided.
Millenium Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals
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