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Course Requirements - Year

The Global Certificate requires eight credits to be completed at the high school.  Four credits must be in one of the world language subjects (German or Spanish), and four additional credits earned in any of the courses identified below with a clear global perspective that is taught.  Upon completing the course you will need to submit your progress on your google classroom page showing that you have increased your global perspective and keep a 3.0 GPA in all courses related to the Global Certificate.

AP Environmental Science

The AP Environmental Science course reflects learning that analyzes environmental concepts and processes in order to propose and justify solutions to environmental problems. The course teaches students how to apply science to the solutions of important social problems. It also provides opportunities to practice applying scientific methods to practical, real-life problems.

AP Government

AP Government is a full year course that includes a component that will compare the governments of Great Britain, Iran, Nigeria, China, Russia and Mexico leading to a broader global understanding of governmental organizations and perspectives.

AP Human Geography

AP Human Geography is a full year course that studies the world in themes. Semester one is very cultural studying Migration, Religions, Political geography & more, while semester two looks at economic geography such as agriculture, urbanization, industrialization & development.

AP World History

AP World History students investigate significant events, individuals, developments and processes in six historical periods from 8,000 B.C.E. to the present. Students will make historical comparisons and develop historical thinking skills viewing primary and secondary sources from around the globe. AP World History truly studies the history of the world across multiple regions. This Global Certificate course does count as the required social studies class for sophomores.

Concert Choir

Concert Choir is a full year course that will earn a student one full credit toward the Global Certificate. While you may take Concert Choir for multiple years, it will only count for one credit toward the certificate.


Completing German 1-5 while at the high school will complete the foreign language requirement (4 credits) of the Global Certificate. (8th grade German can also count as long as the students earn the high school credit)


Orchestra is a full year course that will earn a student one full credit toward the Global Certificate. While you may take Orchestra for multiple years, it will only count for one credit toward the certificate.


Completing Spanish 1-5 while at the high school will complete the foreign language requirement (4 credits) of the Global Certificate. Students who earn a high school spanish credit in 8th grade can still apply that credit toward the global certificate.

World History

World History is a required course for all Sophomores (unless taking AP European History). This course will be a full credit toward a student's Global Certificate.

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